Thursday, May 5, 2011

This project was a fun one. The crux of the project was choosing a good topic. After that, the main issue was in sticking with a visual system yet keeping it from getting too mundane (a common problem I've found in designing books). The content needed to differ from item to item, but the system needed to be consistent throughout.

Wire Frames

Izzoz App Design

This project introduced us to the world of interactive design. There was and still is much to learn about the way people interact with design. It was very interesting to see the difference there really is between observed design and interaction design and how much they vary in terms of design methodology. Interaction design requires much more "people" input. I believe this project enriched my perception of design. It brought a lot of focus to the purpose in design. Thought print pieces may not respond to people, there is absolutely still an interaction that goes on between the two.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This was our first attempt at website creation in Dreamweaver. There were simple requirements as to what needed to be included. This project gave me a better understanding of website design and the Dreamweaver program.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Global Warming Concept Map

Organizing a concept into a visual map is much easier said than done. The visual representation needs to be in line with the concept, while the flow of content must also be easily understood. My biggest hold-up was that I really wanted the flow to look organic, as my chosen subject was global warming. In trying to work with organic shapes and lines, the hierarchy and flow of content was not as clear. I had to find a way for the map to be organic, yet structured.

East Side Motion Piece

"Locating Place" gives a broad range of findings. There are so many things that you can use to identify the characteristics of a particular place. When I went to explore the East side of Austin, I noticed a plethora of gates barring passage ways and windows. For this motion piece, I used the many gates I found to create an experience that would explain my impression of the area. Aside from gaining experience with Aftereffects, I learned a great deal about designing with motion. Translating 2D images into a 3D piece of work is quite the task, but I really enjoyed it.

Dada Poster and Buttons

This project required that we really focus on creating a visual system. The poster for our movement along with the series of buttons had to work together visually. Developing the content was difficult as well. I needed my images to clearly convey the Dada movement, but I didn't want to mimic the pieces exactly. I decided to focus on the social mockery of Dada, so I created images to mock modern society. For each age group of Blanton admission, I picked out a negative quality to "make fun of."

How to Make Eggs

This accordion-fold booklet was made for an instructional design project. After picking a topic to instruct, I began to explore forms. I decided that a refrigerator magnet would allow for the user to view the instructions while making eggs, without having to physically handle them. Through this project, I learned a lot about how to design instructions that are both visually appealing and easy and quick to understand.